Instant Brownies
When you think about to make brownies you always confused how to make it and how many ingredients do you want.
But now its very easy to make..
Yes.... surprised na...only used oreo biscuits.... to make it.

how to make it

20 oreo biscuits(any cream flavor)
1 cup milk
2-3 tsp sugar
1 packet eno
chocolate syrup (optional)

1.grind all the biscuits and make it powder form.

2.take bowl add powder biscuits milk sugar and eno ...mix it well.make batter. grease mould with oil and shift this batter in it.

4.preheat cooker for a while and put a stand in it and keep this mould on it...

5.cover the cooker with lid BT without whistle...

6.make it on low flame for 40 mins...

7.serve with vanilla ice cream and chocolate syrup....😊😊😊
